Thursday 25 August 2011

Bleach Movie 4: First Fansub Is Simply Terrible.

Bleach Movie 4: Hell Chapter has finally been subbed but after watching the first 15 minuets of the movie i began to question as to whether the subber can fluently speak English or Japanese!!!

Some examples:

Oh, it gets worse...

                                                   (just 2 examples, it really is rather bad)

If your the kind of person who watches the raw version to see the action, by all means watch this. But if you actually want to know the story and don't want to constantly be baffled buy subtitles that are jumbled, cut off at mid sentence or just a load of crap, then i would wait for a better copy. (i hope its soon) I for one am going to wait.

If you must watch this movie now there is a link to the video below, if you don't enjoy the first 15 minuets, turn it off and wait for a better version.

Watch Bleach Movie 4 With Terrible Subbs Here

I will post again when i have a HQ copy of the movie with subtitles you can understand. Check back later.

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