Wednesday 24 August 2011

Bleach Movie 4: Hell Chapter, Its Out And Awaiting Subbs.

Bleach Movie 4 Is Finally Out Today

Finally some good news on the bleach scene, a long awaited spine chilling slaughter fest has finally emerged during yet another ridiculous filler in the series. Yes, anime movies based on a series are usually filler as well but i really don't care this time. Check out the trailer:

As you can see, we get some full hollow Ichigo action, i will enjoy seeing how the creators try to fit this somewhere in the true story line. Not only do we get to see Ichigo fight like the god beast that he is, it seems we also get to see Chad fight again (i cant wait for the devil punch) and the rest of the cast that are normally just swept into a corner as though they do not really matter. Overall i am looking forward to this movie and im sure it will meet my expectations in many ways.

It shouldn't take more than 24 hours to get subbed, i will update this post with a high quality link to the movie as soon as i have it.

Or you can check Bleach Get throughout the day as they seem to get the videos out there the fastest. 

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